The return of Dead Space

The Mohith Impact
1 min readSep 4, 2021
And so it returns.

Dead Space has been the defining Space horror game of its time.
At first, I was fascinated by its alien limb chopping action. But as I kept going, I realised what I most enjoyed was, in fact, the world-building of the entire Dead Space Universe.

All those tiny little touches added some phenomenal ambience to the game.
The announcements on the large ship’s intercom. The metro system used by the Ship’s crew to travel in between their spaces.
The hydropnics section for growing the food. So much thought was put into it that I fell in love with how Dead Space made it all work.
In fact, I would love to see more of these realistic sci-fi stuff more into the future.
Space is making a comeback, with the new Dune being released.
It’s very much exciting to be a Space Fan right now.



The Mohith Impact

I write about creativity and the practical ways of bringing your art into the world