What makes you want to write?

The Mohith Impact
2 min readMar 7, 2022
Get with the times, feel the vibes, follow the stream of your consciousness.

Michel Foucault once wrote that the journal was a weapon for spiritual combat. I always loved that line, in fact, every new journal I buy I write that down on the first page. Spiritual combat sounds like something a Jedi warrior would do and I would pretend to be one of them that was my secret identity.

Until recently I was convinced that I was going to focus on writing as my primary means of art. I felt that my vivid imagination needed to be expressed and being a creative type as I was all I could think about was making sure that I improve my writing, learn to type real fast so that I can capture the stream of consciousness that I had and write them all down.

Just one problem.

I was a visual thinker. I didn’t think in words. I thought in images. An idea is not real to me until I have seen in it in my head visually with colour and sometimes sound along with it.
I am not sure how everyone else’s brains work, maybe we are all like that but then again I have seen some YouTube videos where people have been talking about having word thinkers and visual thinkers so just go with me here.

I realised that the purpose of my writing was not for the sake of expressing myself so much as finding a way into speaking my truth.
I have a way to express my creativity, I have a way to express my fun.
I have digital painting and my YouTube channel for that.
The writing part, is a slow and more surgical tool used to get into the depths of my psyche.
Something that I can use to dig and discover new ways to see the world and share it with the world right back.



The Mohith Impact

I write about creativity and the practical ways of bringing your art into the world